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Pre and Post Natal

At Nerth, Samantha is a Level 3 Ante & Postnatal Exercise Specialist. We are dedicated to providing exceptional guidance and support to you and your family as you navigate the challenges of maintaining optimal health and fitness during this significant phase of your life. Whether you are a first-time mother or a seasoned veteran, we firmly believe that there is always an opportunity for continuous learning and growth.

Is exercise safe while I'm pregnant?

It is now widely understood that physical activity during pregnancy has benefits for both the mother and the baby. It has been recommended by The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) that pregnant women do 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week*. 

What are the benefits?

Exercising during pregnancy offers a multitude of benefits for expectant mothers. These advantages extend far beyond just physical health and contribute significantly to overall well-being.

Pregnant women in yoga class


Post-Pregnancy Benefits


Diastasis Recti Prevention: Diastasis recti, the separation of abdominal muscles, is less likely to occur in those who exercise regularly during pregnancy.


Constipation Reduction: Exercise can alleviate common discomforts like constipation, promoting digestive health.


Physical Adaptation: It helps women adjust to the physical changes that come with pregnancy, improving overall comfort.


Swelling Reduction: Exercising aids in reducing swelling, a common issue during pregnancy.


Circulation Improvement: Improved circulation through exercise can reduce the chances of developing varicose veins.


Balance and Coordination: Exercises enhance balance, coordination, and body awareness, important for stability during pregnancy.


Post-Birth Resumption: Maintaining an active lifestyle during pregnancy facilitates a smoother transition to post-birth physical activity, aiding in postpartum recovery.


Physical Health Benefits


Blood Pressure Control: Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy, promoting cardiovascular health.


Improved Sleep: Exercise often leads to improved sleep quality, which is essential for expecting mothers facing various discomforts.


Enhanced Mood: Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators, helping combat mood swings and depression.


Fitness Improvement: Maintaining an exercise routine during pregnancy can lead to better physical fitness, which can aid in overall health and stamina.


Gestational Diabetes Prevention: Exercise plays a crucial role in preventing gestational diabetes, a common issue during pregnancy.


Weight Gain Management: Staying active can help control excessive weight gain, contributing to a healthier pregnancy.




Labor and Delivery Benefits


Shorter First Stage of Labor: Regular exercise may reduce the length of the first stage of labor, potentially leading to a smoother delivery process.


Reduced Birth Complications: Exercise can lower the risk of birth complications, ensuring a safer delivery for both mother and baby.


Reduced Epidural Requirement: Women who exercise during pregnancy may be less likely to require an epidural for pain management.



Maternity Yoga Private Class

When should I start?

The best time to start considering your health and fitness, if you aren't already, is right now. In the context of pregnancy we can offer support for all stages of your pre and post natal journey. As your body goes through changes so should your plan to keep yourself and the baby in optimal health. We are here to ensure that you have peace of mind and you can concentrate on enjoying your pregnancy. 

For more information on general personal training please check out our personal training page. For more information about pre and post natal training check our blog. If you are interested in our services book a consultation or contact us below.

* Please note this is a generalised guide for an average pregnant woman, every mother is different and as such you should contact a professional for specific advice before starting an exercise plan.

Prenatal Yoga Lesson





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NERTH by Samantha Ackerman:

growth, fitness & health

©2023 Samantha Ackerman Fitness

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